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الرئيسية » simple logic فوازير

simple logic فوازير 2024.


اقدم لكن اليوم اخواتى العزيزات اول موضوع لى فى حملة سماء الابداع و ارجو ان تتفاعلن معه..

هى مجموعة من الفوازير اللطيفة..

? i am full of holes..but i can hold water..what am i

? i can speak all languages of the world..what am i

? when i am clean..i am black..when i am dirty i am white..what am i

? what belongs only to you but is used more often by others

? what two things can you never have for breakfast


very very nice

my answers i hope it correct

? i am full of holes..but i can hold water..what am i


? i can speak all languages of the world..what am i


? when i am clean..i am black..when i am dirty i am white..what am i

A blackboard دار

? what belongs only to you but is used more often by others
my name

? what two things can you never have for breakfast
LUNCH AND dinner دار

Really this is a special work Um Omar & Toota

Of course these are fantastic questions


I like them but randoda get it before me


I’m just mocking


I agree with her answers ,too

Thanx a lot dear

dear sisters…i thought nobody would know the answers…EXCELLENT randoda& rasolykodwaty
Thank you for the information
and thank you for sharing it with us
Best Regards


thanks Basma for your nice comment

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