واحتاج مساعده في الfiction
I have short story which called {a worn path
I want it is theam ,charecter,plote,and style
please help me
Race and prejudice are also prevalent themes. Phoenix faces the farmer who threatens to shoot her, and other instances of disregard simply because she is female, old, and black.
Another possible theme is resurrection. Phoenix’s name alone refers to the mythical bird, the Phoenix, who wears itself down to nothing looking very ragged and old then dies by spontaneous combustion only to be reborn again from the ashes. There are many references to Phoenix Jackson being like this mythical creature.
As far as diction goes, Phoenix speaks in the manner common to her region and social status. She leaves out words, runs them together, and in some cases this not only represents her social position and education level, but also her level of fatigue in the story.
Hope this helps!
In Eudora Welty’s "A Worn Path," an elderly African American woman undertakes a familiar journey on a road in a rural area. She expresses herself, both to her surroundings and in short spurts of spoken monologue, warning away animals and expressing the pain she feels in her weary bones.
While in the woods, she imagines that a young boy offers her a piece of cake, and then blames the hallucination on old age. After a bit more walking, she encounters a dog, and in her attempt to hit him with her cane, she tumbles into a ditch. She is approached by the dog’s owner, a hunter, who tells her that town is too far away and that she should just go home. He also points a gun at her, but loses interest when she says she isn’t frightened.
She finally makes it to town and goes to the doctor’s office. The nurse tries to rush her and give her change in a manner that the old woman finds displeasing; she insists on a nickel rather than five pennies. During this exchange, we find out that her grandson has a permanent problem due to a lye-swallowing accident, and that he habitually requires medicine for his throat. The story ends with the woman going to buy a paper windmill for her grandson.
I have the feeling you haven’t read the story. There are only three female characters, and two of them appear at the very end and play a very small part in the story.
Phoenix is the main character, an elderly African American woman who walks to town to get medicine for her grandson. No matter what gets in her way, be it a thorn bush or a dog or falling into a ditch, she is determined to get the medicine. The eNotes character analysis says: "Phoenix’s name is symbolic of the mythological bird who rises from its own ashes to begin another cycle of life. The old woman’s name thus suggests her timelessness and the fact that she can never be suppressed, even by those who would try to break her spirit."
Now, read the story, and you’ll see why she is such a strong person. You would know when she came into a room, and you’d probably enjoy talking to her!
من كام يوم نشرتى قصيدة انا اخدتها فى سنة ثالثة وفكراها كويس
وتحت امرك فى اى شىء لانى اعشق القراءه والتثقف واللغات ولدى مكتبه كبيره الحمد لله
خزاك الله خير ماأدري كيف اشكرك
thank you soooo much
ILove you so much
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