اخواتى الحبيبات..هذه ثانى مشاركة لى فى حملة سماء الابداع..و هى قصة قصيرة لطيفة ارجو ان تفهمنها و ان تنال اعجابكن..
This is a story about four people named : 1- EVERYBODY , 2- SOMEBODY , 3- ANYBODY and 4- NOBODY
There was an important job to be done and EVERYBODY was sure that SOMEBODY would do it but NOBODY did it , SOMEBODY got angry about that , because
was EVERYBODY’S job , EVERYBODY thought ANYBODY could do it , but NOBODY realized that EVERYBODY wouldn’t do it , it ended up that EVERYBODY
NOBODY could have done !!!!
I hope you enjoy it
thank you for the effort.
i found it quite funny.
i found it quite funny.
اآآكييييييييييد استمتعنا
ربي مايحرمنا روحك الحلوووة
ربي مايحرمنا روحك الحلوووة
thank you randoda for your nice comment
قد يهمك أيضاً:
thanks alot dear umrawan
قد يهمك أيضاً: