The hardest thing in your life______+++++___when you are waiting for human===there is no hope for return back
the hardest thing in your life —when you are crying—-and no body around you who clean up (licked)your tear
The hardest thing in your life =====to see the most expensive and most loves is throwing himself or herself in the fire (Hell)for the simple reason ,because he or she does not want you to intervene
The hardest thing in this world to close your eyes on the right( truth )To please yourself and the result is Blind in all cases
The hardest thing in this life to sacrifice and sacrifice for who puts you in his or her back …. because he or (she)does not want to see you
The hardest thing in your life —-when you give your heart to Those who do not deserve it.
The hardest thing in this your life to be among between two options=-Your mind and your heart
The hardest thing in this life when you are the reason for the tears of people very dear to you, …. you —-Does not have the courage to wipe the tear
The hardest thing in your life while trying to defend yourself in a position …. Can not Expression the inner you
(what inside you)
which one of them you will choose ?
I hope you like the subject
but from my point of view i see the hardest thing is
The hardest thing in your life —-when you give your heart to Those who do not deserve it.
thnx 4 this great topic
waiting more
where is the other people ? is the subject bad !!!!
thank you reem cus i dont like myself in that situation